Virat Rupa 1
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The universe is holographic in nature. This is a concept in physics that suggests that the information of 3D objects we percieve actually originate in the second dimension. This would mean that we’re mere projections of sources that begin elsewhere. The principle was actually developed to remedy the information paradox that was observed in the thermodynamics of black holes. It explains that as a black hole pulls celestial bodies in, the “information” of the stars and planets can’t simply get “destroyed” without hemorrhaging the conservation laws of the physical universe. Instead it proposes that the material becomes encoded onto the black hole itself by compressing into a lower dimension.
When Yoshada Maa opens her son Kṛṣṇa’s mouth after catching him eating dirt, she literally sees everything. Not only does she witness the universe in all its detail, but she also see’s scenes of herself in the past with Kṛṣṇa. All of existence including time was inherently encoded within the child’s mouth in the same way we understand black holes to compress the information of consumed matter. The moment shattered her reality and made her come to the shocking revelation that her son was a manifestation of the divine. She had seen the infinite extent of reality bound within the shell of a mortal child, there was no conceivable explanation otherwise. Realizing that trying to control the actions of her child was no different than imposing her will on the cosmos, she smiled and returned to her errands. Content in knowing that the embodiment of universe was experiencing itself through her household.