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This piece is a tribute to the Harappan civilization, highlighting the rich cultural and spiritual heritage that influenced contemporary Hinduism.
The figure in the center is identified as Pashupati, a proto-Shiva, depicted seated in an advanced yoga position, Mulabandhasana. The seal on which this was discovered dates back to around 2000 BCE.
The Indus script is a reminder of the lost knowledge that once thrived in this civilization. Although not much is known about them, it’s clear the Harappans recognized an intimate connection between humanity and the cosmos.
The Sanskrit quote in the picture translates to “Knowledge and wealth, when inaccessible, are useless.” It underscores the tragic historical pattern where invaluable knowledge becomes lost to time. If humanity wants to make real progress, it must first break the cycle of rediscovery by preserving and cherishing our collective wisdom, regardless of conflict.